Critical Resilient Interdependent Infrastructure Systems and Processes: A CRISP/RIPS Grantees Workshop

December 5-6, 2018 - Arlington, VA


NSF CRISP/RIPS award recipients are invited to the upcoming, and much awaited, NSF CRISP/RIPS Grantees Workshop to be held in Founders Hall on the George Mason University Arlington Campus. Teams are expected to send at least 1 team member to this event. This is a by-invitation event only.

For more information, please contact Prof. Elise Miller-Hooks (

The National Science Foundation’s (NSF’s) Critical Resilient Interdependent Infrastructure Systems and Processes (CRISP) annual solicitation aims to enhance and improve scientific knowledge in the areas of complex, interconnected and interdependent infrastructure systems of physical, cyber and human components. These systems of systems are designed to provide critical goods and services. Thus, their collective resilience to the range of disruptions from mild to catastrophic, of malicious, technological or natural cause, is crucial to the nation’s economic competitiveness and, more generally, societal well-being. An underlying principle that has guided the solicitation and selection of awards is that to tackle such complex human-cyber-physical systems problems or create new opportunities through their inherent properties requires integration of cyber, engineering and societal perspectives. Consequently, an important objective of the CRISP solicitation has been to foster an interdisciplinary research community of engineers, computer and computational scientists and social and behavioral scientists. To this end, CRISP (and the preceding RIPS) solicitation awardees are invited and expected to attend this grantee workshop.

The workshop will involve activities designed to:

  1. enable the sharing of research developments and findings from funded CRISP/RIPS projects;
  2. promote interactions among awardees, including students and postdoctoral fellows;
  3. foster the creation of new interdisciplinary approaches;
  4. enhance and strengthen the resilience and socio-technical systems community; and
  5. enable new collaborations and the formulation of novel ideas.

The meeting aims to contribute to the enhancement and improvement of scientific engineering and education activities through lectern presentations, a workshop-wide poster session, lectures on focus topics, activities, and organized discussions. Outcomes of the workshop, including newly generated ideas from the meeting, future research needs and more, will be documented in a final report.


Founders Hall
3351 Fairfax Dr.
Arlington, VA 22201



The program agenda for December 5th and 6th.



You may register online now. If you are a speaker, please have your title and abstract ready to input.
